Mason Boot Camp Uncategorized What Can I Give My Dog For Anxiety?

What Can I Give My Dog For Anxiety?


A beginner’s guide on how to deal with anxiety disorder in your dog. An insight into the best natural remedies and proven ways to calm your anxious dog. 

Anxiety is a common condition in both humans and animals. All pet owners have to go through this stage in their pet parenting tenure. Anxiety can hit dogs of any age and breed. But the severity of anxiety is not the same in all animals. Anxiety affects different dogs in different ways with different behavioral symptoms.

Different situations trigger anxiety in dogs. These include riding vehicles, burning firecrackers, being left alone in the home, being exposed to unknown places and people, etc. the key to curing anxiety in dogs is by understanding the source of the anxiety. Once you learn about the common triggers that activate the anxiety symptoms in your dogs, it becomes easier to find the right cure. Here we will discuss a few ways you can treat anxiety in your dogs

Gear and toys to ease anxiety

You can get a plethora of toys that are designed to ease anxiety symptoms in dogs. These toys include thunder shirts, dog crates, puzzle toys, comfy beds, or long-lasting chews. Puzzle toys for example help keep your dog preoccupied when you are preparing to leave the house for the entire day. It is usually the time of the day that your dog feels most stressed.

Some of the pet parents find pheromone calming products as a suitable treatment option to make their pup feel more relaxed with its calming effect and reduce the feeling of stress, fear, and anxiety in dogs.

Training for anxiety in dogs

Training your dog the right way can help him deal with the anxious situation in a more proper way. The various ways of training include crate training, socialization, positive reinforcement, separation anxiety training, etc.


Teaching socialization to your dog in the early stages can help your dog feel more relaxed when kept in a day-care or group setting. This also helps prevent anxiety in dogs indirectly by burning their pent-up energy.

Separation anxiety training

Training your dog to behave in the right way when left alone at home can go a long way to ease anxiety symptoms in dogs. Sometimes, taking an expert’s help to do the same can help your dog deal with separation anxiety and lessen its effects.

Herbal supplements

It is always better to go for herbal supplements over conventional medicines to treat anxiety symptoms in dogs. The herbal supplements that include calming ingredients are safer for your dog’s health as it does not contain any toxic chemicals causing adverse side effects. Besides, it is also necessary to consult your vet first to better understand your pet’s medical condition. The advice of your vet is also extremely necessary when your pet is on other medications.

CBD oil

The number of pet owners who experienced the benefits of CBD oil on their pet’s health is increasing over time. The benefits of CBD oil are not just limited to treating anxiety symptoms, but it can also help with chronic pain disorder, seizures, skin conditions, and even cancer. A more detailed description of the same can be found at

CBD oil works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the body. CBD connects with the receptors in your dog’s body that further help create serotonin, a natural mood stabilizer.


Home remedies to cure anxiety in dogs

A few easy home remedies can be an extremely effective way to help your anxious dogs. A few common home remedies used by pet parents include white noise, exercise, checking your stress level, body massage, etc.

White noise

Keeping your pup away from harsh noise pollution and distracting him with soothing sounds can help your dog feel more at ease. A few ways of generating white noise include using a fan to cut off harsh noise, playing soft music, using a radio or white noise machine.


Taking your dog to a daily walk, swimming, jogging, and other mild exercises can help ease his anxiety symptoms. This is done by releasing serotonin, a feel-good hormone. Always remember that a tired dog is a happy dog.  Burning the pent-up energy through exercise can be an effective way to prevent anxiety symptoms that require energy.